What's new on the Romney's wholesale website?
Behind the scenes at George Romney LTD we've been working hard over the past few months to develop a new wholesale website for our business customers. Built into our current Shopify website, the wholesale website is accessible for business customers via their account and features our entire product portfolio all in one place. Products can be found via the menus or search feature and categories have been constructed to mirror our current pricelist, making navigating the website easier and quicker for our business customers.
We've also revamped the checkout experience and provided three delivery options: Shipping, Local Delivery or Store Pickup. Each delivery options provides detailed information about the delivery cost of your order and the date it will arrive, meaning our warehouse system is more interactive than ever.
Becoming a new business customer is also easier and an application can be made via our 'Become a Stockist' form on the 'Stockists' page. Once your form has been received, we'll perform a quick background check before getting your business account up and running.
The wholesale website also features the 'Chat With Us' button which offers out of hours support to our business customers for any inquiries they may have.
Why have we made the Romney's wholesale website?
With business costs rising, we've analysed which areas we can improve in order to provide you the best service, whilst also keeping our prices competitive. The creation of the wholesale website will streamline the process across our administration, distribution and delivery systems whilst also providing our business customers with a modern sales platform to interact with. Having an online wholesale platform also allows us to show off our bestselling products and showcase new products to potential customers. Furthermore, by tracking purchase behaviour and preferences, it will allow us to enhance the customer experience and customise the shopping experience.
How do I become a Stockist?
Looking to stock our range of famous products? Follow these simple steps below and we'll create a trade account for you.
1) Visit the 'Stockists' page on our main menu
2) Scroll down the page until you find the 'Become a Stockist' section
3) Click the button 'Become a Stockist'
4) Fill out the form and submit it to us
5) We'll perform a background check and create a wholesale account for you
6) you'll be sent an 'Account Activation Email' which you need to follow in order to create a password for your account
7) Your account is fully set up and anytime you need to visit the Romney's Wholesale website, you can do so by just logging in to your account