Just over a year ago, on the 29th of May 2021, John Barron (our MD and fourth generation at Romney’s) completed his own ‘Everesting’ challenge by doing 50 ascents of the climb to the top of Shap fell on his bike. Starting at 3:30am, John powered on for over 16 hours to complete the challenge, which saw him cover 180.75 miles in distance and climb that all important 8,863m across the 50 ascents.
This was to mark the 68th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary & Sirdar Tenzing becoming the first people to successfully summit Mount Everest as they carried Romney’s Kendal Mint Cake as part of their ration packs! A quote from one member of the expedition has adorned our packaging ever since.
We received are grateful for the huge support we received during the Everesting challenge, and we are already making plans to do something even bigger for the 70th anniversary next year!