On Friday night at 8pm we featured on the new Channel 5 show Motorhoming with Merton and Webster. In this particular episode it showed the duo travelling around the lake district, but before they could start their adventure there was an important stop they had to make - our famous Mint Cake factory!
Whilst they struggled to find the factory at first, venturing around the Kendal one-way system a few times, we eventually welcomed our guests as they looked to fuel up for their bodies for the journey ahead. We started off by giving them a tour of the factory and then showed them how Kendal Mint Cake is made, in a process going back over a century! Whilst the programme only showed our visitors in the factory for a few minutes, we were actually delighted to be in their company for a full two hours. They taught us a thing or two, as we discovered our hair nets also make for good Mint Cake baskets! Our segment on the show finished with Webster taking a trolley load of our confectionery goodies to their motorhome, and after a taking a few weeks I'm happy to announce our shop shelves are now finally fully stocked up again!!
It was a pleasure to be featured on the programme and we hope you enjoyed it too! The Romney's team would like to wish Merton and Webster all the best in their motorhoming adventure making various stops across the country, and would welcome them back anytime they visit the lakes.