Dust off your cow bells & get on your lycra... The Struggle Hill Climb is back! Bigger and better than ever before, with this years iteration part of the National Hill Climb Championships. The event takes place on Sunday 29th October and will feature a whopping 450 riders! Started in 2019 by Jack Talbot, the charity event is in aid of the Great North Air Ambulance, who saved Jack's life in 2017. Each rider will once again be given a complimentary bar of Romney's Kendal Mint Cake at the event sign in booth.
Romney's 4th generation MD, John Barron took part in the event last year and described it as one of the most difficult climbs he's ever attempted. The event takes place on the infamous and aptly named Struggle Hill. Starting in Ambleside, riders are taken on a 2.67 miles long journey, featuring an ascent of 403 meters with an average gradient of 8.2%.
George Romney Ltd are proud to be joint title sponsors alongside Irwin Mitchell Solicitors & Wheelbase. If you'd like to find out more about the Struggle Hillclimb, checkout the video created at last years event by GCN here.
We look forward to seeing you all ringing your cow bells and cheering on the riders on the 29th October and if you happen to spot us, be sure to come over for some Famous White, Brown or indulgent Chocolate Coated Kendal Mint Cake!
Images by Ellen Isherwood